Random Insanities on a Monday Morning

Disclaimer: I NEVER claimed to be nice. I take pride in being an ass.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Amalia's Verbally Abusive, part Deux

actual email:

From: Kia
To: Amalia
Time: 2:18pm
Subject: plans for the rest of today

4;59, shut down computer and leave go to store and buy magazines.
blow dry hair
put away luandry
6;11 begins the holy shabbath


From: Amalia
To: Kia
Time: 2:20pm
Subject: Re: plans for the rest of today

2:19: check to see if i give a shit about anything listed above
2:19 and 3 seconds: realize i dont give a shit
2:19 and 23 seconds: delete the email.

conversation between me and TheSplooge:
TheSplooge: cmon lets go to the party
Me: no one i care about will be there
TheSplooge: what do you mean? I'll be there!
Me: TheSplooge, you could drop dead right here on my living room floor and i wouldnt shed a tear.


Blogger Duddes02 said...

gooood one!!

Thx for not caring abut my schedule.

When did u get so funny?

3:46 PM  

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