Random Insanities on a Monday Morning

Disclaimer: I NEVER claimed to be nice. I take pride in being an ass.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Celebrity Sighting

The celebrity in this story is ... MOI.

So i found out I'm famous. People are actually reading this piece o shit blog that I have. Wow. Here I thought I'm just amusing Midge, Kia, Megan, and myself, when in fact, I have hundreds of readers. OK fine, not hundreds. But maybe I can use two hands to count them!

So my initial reaction is OH SHIT what if Slutty McWhore and TheSplooge read it! And then it hit me. WHAT IF THE DUNKIN DOSHMUCK READ IT!?!? Ok fine that part didnt cross my mind but should I be worried about some of the stuff I've been writing? I haven't really been censoring myself and I tend to forget my boundaries once I get goin'.

Now, dear readers, you should know me by now. This entire thought process came and went in a shorter time than it takes Louie to... OK that was gross. Bottom line is: if you dont like it, dont read it. As i said in my disclaimer (top, left): I take pride in being an ass. I'm gonna say it like it is, folks. Now granted, I'm not gonna go into graphic detail about some stuff, but I'm okay with spilling some shit.

All that aside. Seems that Midge isnt as carefree as I am. Perhaps because I didnt lay out on the table that I wanted to do... (you didnt think i was really gonna let that one outta the bag, did you?) But I did do that SlutBag. I told her secrets to everyone. I guess that's not too fair. So I've gone back and edited "Amalia's Verbally Abusive" to protect her privacy. Surprised? I was. Anyway I haven't changed anything else. I'm strappin' on my big balls and standing my ground. I should note though that I really dont have anything against Slutty McWhore. Everyone's gotta do what they've gotta do to get ahead. I get that. I may have done the same thing if I was in her position. OK fine you're right-- only a conniving manipulative bitch would do something like that. Kidding...(partly). But I give this message to you, Slutty-- GO ON WITH YOUR BAD SELF! I almost half-respect her for screwing over her friend to get ahead with her man. Fucked up, I know. So there you have it. No hard feelings, Slutty. Friends?

And a note to all my secret readers: If you're gonna read my shit, at least have the common decency to let me know if you love or hate me. Leave me a little note. Tell me I'm a sick fuck. Tell me I amuse you. I dont care, but I wanna hear it. I promise I wont cry. Much.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

NO cream suga for you!

11:21 AM  
Blogger Duddes02 said...

This is why I love you Amalia.

I hope "FT" doesn't figure out who he is! and MIdge did call me freaking out.

You also owe me eight bucks from running wiht scissors. "i'll have 3 slices of Bolony (spelling??) and horseradish.

11:23 AM  
Blogger Amalia said...

Kia, i aint givin you NOTHIN.
PS it's bologna. At least you acknowledge when you cant spell. *ahem* MIDGE!

11:33 AM  

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