Random Insanities on a Monday Morning

Disclaimer: I NEVER claimed to be nice. I take pride in being an ass.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Midge really is the dumbest freakin person i know

Midge thinks that if she gives TheSplooge a code name made out of his initials, then no one will know who he is. She's been calling the fucker "FT" as long as I can remember. I never really listen when Midge talks or else I would have picked up on this sooner, but when it was blatantly there in an email "blah blah blah FT blah blah", I asked her "where the fuck did you come up with FT anyway? It doesnt make any sense. Those arent his initials. His initials are ST."
Her response: Oh. Everyone calls him that. Or are they really saying S and I'm just hearing F? I always wondered why they call him that.


Blogger Amalia said...

SlutBag, i still think you're a complete moron. Stop making up a stupid story just so people wont think youre the dumb ho that you are. You shouldnt be calling The Splooge anyway. I'm gonna tell on you.

1:03 PM  
Blogger Duddes02 said...


It's okay, your ALLOWED to be stupid.

I heart you anwyway.

I do.

1:05 PM  
Blogger Amalia said...


1:09 PM  
Blogger Amalia said...

hey Spell Check Mother Fucker, it's TOO

1:13 PM  
Blogger Amalia said...

This confirms it:
Me: Kia, order tix for the concert.
Kia: 3?
Me: i dont think SlutBag's coming.
Kia? so just two?
SlutBag: let's do the math morons, 3-2=2.
Me: you're mad at ME for calling you stupid!??!? 3-2=2!?!?!?

2:23 PM  

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